We “considered the lilies of the field” and made pictures from stickers of flowers and birds.

You will need:

  • Blue and green paper
  • Stickers of flowers and birds
  • Coloured pens, pencils or crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue

In advance, take a sheet of green paper and a sheet of blue paper and, cutting through both at once, cut a wiggly line across the middle. Then glue half of the green sheet to half of the blue sheet to make your grass and sky background. Glue the other two half pieces together and you will have a second background sheet. Repeat with more paper until you have enough prepared.

The children should stick the stickers down and decorate further by drawing if they like.

Bible story: Jesus talks about how God looks after birds and flowers and how much more important we are to him (Luke 12: 24-32 )