img_20161114_151220This cat is made from a single sheet of card. The children chose to make black, orange and even purple cats. They all looked great!

You will need:

  • Black (or other colour) card
  • Coloured paper
  • Glue

Fold the card in half and cut out an arch to create the body shape. From one of the pieces you have cut out, make the head. From the other, make the tail.

Cut whiskers and other features from paper. The children should stick it all together.  They can add extra detail with crayons or coloured pencils if you have some that will show up on the card.

Story: Six dinner Sid Six dinner SidInga Moore; Hodder Children’s Books 2000WorldCatLibraryThingGoogle


Songs: Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle