LadybirdThis craft required a fair amount of preparation cutting out all the shapes required, but the children loved making it.

You will need:

  • Coloured paper from which you will cut out shapes of leaves, petals, centre of flower, ladybird head, pairs of wings & lots of spots
  • Sheets of paper to glue the picture on—if you use a dark colour then you can imagine the ladybird’s body in any gap between its wings
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Pens or pencils for adding legs, feelers, etc.

Children stick the shapes on paper and add googly eyes and draw on legs and feelers and anything else they want.

Story: The Very Lazy Ladybird The Very Lazy LadybirdIsobel Finn; Little Tiger Press 2000WorldCatLibraryThingGoogle 

Possible themed songs/rhymes:

  • A ladybird, a ladybird, a wiggly worm and a ladybird
  • Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home (we didn’t sing this one)